Our Morningside Physios take a holistic view.

We treat the person, not just the injury

Here in Morningside, we focus on finding the right treatment for your entire body, not just the injury. Our experienced physios consider the intricate connections within the body; ankle injuries can impact the back and back injuries can affect ankles. We look at the big picture to ensure you receive the appropriate and necessary treatment tailored to your body's needs.

Reduce your pain. Improve your function. Harness your potential.

 With the right assessment, a good physio can radically improve your quality of life. From the moment your walk through our door in our Morningside clinic we work to make that happen. There are three phases of healing that everyone needs to go through. From diagnosis, to restorative and then preventative recovery. But the crucial part is getting that diagnosis right. It is a journey to full health and recovery that we take with you.

Experience is our secret weapon


Curiosity is an invaluable tool for a physio. Lots of questions will make sure we uncover all the answers. And that’s where experience really helps.

All our  Shanta Physios "have at least 8 years’ experience. They have the skills and talent to listen, to really understand the root cause of the problem. Haste is not your friend. The Shanta Morningside physios look further down the road. It is only with a clear picture of the problem that you can formulate a clear path to recovery.




Therapeutic Massage

Clinical Pilates

Everything starts in the first hour

Your first appointment takes one whole hour. Because there is no point in thinking about a quick fix. We do what is right first. In the long run it’s much more effective. The more we know, the more detail we can uncover, the more understanding we have of how to approach your case.

We are not just looking at your immediate recovery but also your long term function. This is your health, your comfort and mobility that we are talking about. So, come along to our Morningside clinic, it’s not far from the Kingsland shops. It just might change your life.

being studio shanta physio morningside physio

Reclaim pain free movement. Achieve beyond what you thought was possible. Get back to doing what you love.